Be Suite’s mission is to Help People in Business and Life with a Vision is to co-create world-class working environments.

It defines the overall mission, vision and direction of an organisation. The objective of a strategy is to maximise an organisation’s strengths and minimise the competitors’ strengths.
It is all about integrating organisational activities and utilising scarce resources within an organisations environment to meet objectives. Any action taken by a firm is likely to be met by a reaction from those affected, competitors, customers, employees or suppliers.
The strategy is often referred to as a blueprint for the business; it is significant because it is impossible to foresee the future. Therefore without perfect foresight, the business must be ready to deal with uncertain events which constitute a business environment.
Strategy deals with long term developments rather business as usual, i.e. it deals with the probability of innovations or new products, new production methods, or new markets to be developed in the future.
Strategy takes into account the probable behaviour of customers and competitors. Methods of dealing with employees by predicting employee behaviour based on the environment from which they work.
In short, strategy bridges the gap between “where we are” and “where we want to be”.
Synthesising means combining. Instead of summarising the main points of each source in turn, you put together the ideas and findings of multiple sources to make an overall point. At the most basic level, this involves looking for similarities and differences between your sources.
Synthesised Strategy in Be Suite combines strategy with operations, intention to streamline your priorities is a simple, easy to palet way. We take where you are now, where you want to be and methodically help you achieve this within your business.
Contact us now to find out more about how this can be implemented into your business today.
Many small to medium businesses face one major problem. Not enough work or revenue to hire a group of people so instead you have ONE person doing everything. The Managing Director, the Salesperson the Marketing person, the Human Resource person, the Health & Safety person and the ONE person is often YOU. It is exhausting.
You might have got into business so you could fulfil your passion only to find that running a business can take you further from than closer to your dream job.
Be Suite look to solve your problem here without employing a full-time person you cannot afford yet either due to limited work or limited revenue. The type of work we can do for you and your business includes;
Be Suite uses design thinking to truly understand and create operational excellence within your business or organisation.
Be the Leader is a three-day course for the next generation Leader in Aotearoa, New Zealand. It ensures that the Te Tiriti o Waitangi alongside the principles of Leadership are intertwined to create a holistic learning journey where the Leader explores all aspects of themselves here in Aotearoa, New Zealand
Be the Leader incorporates Te Tiriti o Waitangi training to give participants a Māori world view by exploring the tales of Aotearoa concerning Māui and Kupe. The course unpacks and explores pre-1840, how the Declaration of Independence, formed the clash of worldviews before signing The Treaty of Waitangi in 1840.
As Leaders, you will be told the story in an interactive and inclusive way, to grow the understanding of The Treaty of Waitangi and the impact of colonisation post-1840. Through a guided, facilitated process, Leaders are encouraged to unpack and explore their unconscious bias with opportunities to reflect on this, create independent thought around living in a bi/multi-cultural society.
Be the Leader training then takes this awareness of the Te Tiriti o Waitangi into self-discovery and empowerment by understanding Leadership’s power in uncertain times, Transformational Leadership, and Leadership theory. The training then explores where the Leader has been, what the Leader wants to be, and how they can get there.
Having great leadership and setting a platform to develop is key to staff engagement. We offer bespoke group training tailored specifically to your business needs and group training packages to ensure your people are not only capable, they are also engaged.
We take all the commonly understood principles of leadership and tie it directly to a future market that is more socially and environmentally sympathetic.
We will give your frontline staff the confidence and competency to deal with all situations. Empower your people to better serve your customers.
Resilience, in a world where challenge is expected, let us give you the tools to bounce back better and new.
In today’s world, the customer expectation is changing, technology is evolving faster than ever, and yet we still need to feel connected.
Digital Marketing Foundation – Are you confused about what to do in the digital world. Let us give you the basic ABC’s of setting your digital footprint.
Corporate Diversity within the workplace. Operate a multicultural organisation that honours the bi-cultural world we live in.
Our Youth Program – Specifically designed for 16 to 18 year olds. Step into greatness, confidently owning your own space by understanding your super powers.
Does the thought of public speaking leave you physically quaking in your boots? We know public speaking is still one of the greatest fears for an individual.
Our experts are here to help you be suite in business and life, through one-on-one help, in-person workshops or online learning courses.
Expert presenter, trainer and thought leader Mid Thomas-Savelio has made a career out of positively influencing people to make smart life choices.
Dr Bex Bell likes to keep life interesting by straddling the worlds of psychology, business, fitness, and public health. Indulging her passion for developing others
Paul is a voice of reason, he asks the hard questions, and works with you to figure out and implement a plan to help your business change and grow.
A digital strategist with a goal to educate and help businesses capitalise on their knowledge and experience through the use of digital marketing channels.
022 042 4414
192 Stokes Valley Road,
Stokes Valley,
Lower Hutt 5019
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Please contact to Mid Thomas to discuss and proceed further registration process.
Expert presenter, trainer and thought leader Mid Thomas-Savelio has made a career out of positively influencing people to make smart life choices.
Expert presenter, trainer and thought leader Mid Thomas-Savelio has made a career out of positively influencing people to make smart life choices.
Expert presenter, trainer and thought leader Mid Thomas-Savelio has made a career out of positively influencing people to make smart life choices.
Expert presenter, trainer and thought leader Mid Thomas-Savelio has made a career out of positively influencing people to make smart life choices.
Expert presenter, trainer and thought leader Mid Thomas-Savelio has made a career out of positively influencing people to make smart life choices.
Expert presenter, trainer and thought leader Mid Thomas-Savelio has made a career out of positively influencing people to make smart life choices.
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